Journal of my creative projects


Knitted frogs

A few months ago, a friend of mine sent me a short video she saw on social networks where a knitted frog was animated in stop-motion. The animation was really cute, but the frog was even cuter. And that's how I started knitting frogs myself.

Knitted frogs

As I already explained in this comic, I always loved frogs, so I did some searches online to find the pattern for making this specific type of knitted frog. When I found it, knitting frogs became my activity of choice to relax at the end of a busy day.


These little cuties can be knitted within a day or two, which is much faster - and satisfying - than the time needed to knit a jumper. The fact that it requires many different types of knots also makes it more entertaining to knit than, let's say, a scarf.

After making a first frog for my son, I knitted more and kept one for myself, and gave the others away to some of my friends, to my boyfriend, to his family... Then I downloaded a new pattern to up my game a bit, and I started knitting little jumpers to keep them froggies warm as autumn started.

1970s inspired striped jumper

Hey, seriously, what's cuter than a tiny little frog wearing a jumper ? Maybe two tiny frogs sitting side by side ?

... and both wearing jumpers ?

As you may imagine, at some point, this new relaxing activity began spiralling out of control...

...because I just couldn't stop knitting frogs. Wearing jumpers.

So what do you do when your hobby takes too much space ? Well that's an easy one : you transform it into a side hustle and you get rid of the bulky army of handmade frogs by selling them to other frogs fans online! And buy more wool in the process. To knit more frogs.

Handmade knitted frog

This cute little frog has been knitted with wool and a lot of love. It isn't wired so you can use it as a softie or give it as a present to children.

Buy me now!

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